Motorola "General
Instruments" SURFboard
series SB3100 SB4100
Power |
while performing startup diagnostics internal to modem, turns solid
green when modem successfully completes diagnostics. |
Receive |
when scanning for down stream frequency and turns solid green when
modem has successfully acquired a downstream channel. |
Send |
while locating and ranging an upstream channel turns solid green when
modem has successfully ranges an upstream channel. |
Online |
while requesting an IP address (DHCP) downloading the configuration
file (TFTP) and getting network time (TOD). Turns solid green
when modem has successfully completed DHCP/TFTP/TOD and activities
noted above for Power, Receive and Send. |
Activity |
when data is transmitted on the downstream or
upstream connection. If there is no data traffic the amber LED
remains dark. |
SURFboard® SB3100 External Cable Modem Support
SURFboard® SB4100 External Cable Modem Support
Motorola / GI Tech Support
Phone 888-944-HELP (888-944-4357)
To upgrade USB drivers call 877-466-8646
E-mail CPSSupport@gi.com